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Flavors and Fragrance Analysis with MRR

Homepage Simulation v2

Identify & Quantify Terpenes with MRR

Accurately measuring terpenes is an important part of the development of many different consumer products and in the authentication of raw materials and finished goods.  But accurately identifying terpenes can be challenging with chromatographic techniques, given the structural similarity of different species. 

MRR differentiates structures based on unique spectral frequencies, even when the structures exhibit isomerism or chirality.  Using BrightSpec's spectral libraries and platform methods, panels of terpenes can be quickly and easily assessed to prove authenticity and product quality. 

MRR Provides Fast and Reproducible Quantitation for Monoterpenes, Terpenes and Sesquiterpenes.

  • Unambiguous Configuration: MRR spectra are highly specific to the three-dimensional structure of molecules in the gas phase allowing you to measure structures with confidence, even when molecules exhibit isomerism or chirality.
  • Simple Quantitation: MRR provides fast, accurate and reproducible quantitation for monoterpenes, terpenes and sesquiterpenes all without a column.
  • Streamlined Workflow: MRR provides structural identification and quantitation in a single measurement in mixtures, eliminating the need for sample prep, columns and multiple techniques.


Get in touch with us to learn more!


Confident ID and Quantitation for Terpenes in Complex Samples


Chiral Analysis of Linalool

Learn how chiral analysis with MRR enables routine enantiomeric excess measurements of linalool.

Santalol Screenshot

Sesquiterpene Analysis Simplified

Learn how MRR tackles difficult challenges with isomerism in sesquiterpenes.


Powerfully Simple

Beyond simplifying method development MRR's unique approach to terpene analysis also simplifies daily operations and reduces consumables and solvent waste, reducing your operating costs and operational footprint.

  • Rapid Throughput: Accelerate your workflow by reducing chromatography run times, column changeover, and complex sample preparation.

  • Automated Workflow: Streamline your laboratory operations with our user-friendly, automated system. Minimize manual intervention, reduce the risk of errors, and optimize resource utilization for increased operational efficiency.

  • Cost-Efficiency: Simplify your laboratory operations and cut costs with our streamlined method development. By reducing the need for expensive consumables and minimizing the qualification of new lots or batches, our approach offers a cost-effective alternative to traditional methods, enabling you to allocate resources more efficiently and reduce the complexity of your operations.




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