
BrightSpec-MRR is the first rotational spectroscopy platform designed for analytical chemists.

Our platform serves scientists across pharmaceutical, fine chemical and consumer goods industries.



BrightSpec Product Portfolio

Our instruments provide simple and scalable analytical workflows for quantifying volatile organic compounds and residuals in pharmaceuticals, fine chemicals and consumer goods. Molecular rotational spectroscopy ("MRR") is a unique and truly orthogonal method for the unambiguous determination of molecular structures and configurations in the gas phase.  BrightSpec-MRR can be used to confirm structures and create libraries of molecular signatures. 

Specs nanoMRR isoMRR spectraMRR
Mass Range <150 AMU 50 to 350 AMU 50 to 350 AMU
Sampling Liquid Liquid, Headspace Liquid, Headspace
Carrier Gas None Neon Neon
Purge Gas None Nitrogen Nitrogen
Reference Library Limited Full Full
Chiral Analysis No Yes Yes
Structure Analysis No No Yes

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